ผลลัพธ์การค้นหา "Cloth and Apparel"   70 รายการ

Running a clothing store presents you with many elements to consider, such as where to get your clothes, whether to maintain a store front and/or online sales, how much to mark up clothing items, and how to market your store and protect yourself from liability. Making decisions on these matters requires careful

planning in the form of a business plan. A well thought-out business plan will give your business a greater chance at success and help you avoid common

pitfalls, such as unrealistic predictions of expenses and revenue.

Executive Summary

The executive summary is the first and most important section of your business plan, as it gives potential investors and decision-makers a snapshot of the types of clothes you offer, identifies the potential market for your products, lists your mission statement, your qualifications to run your retail business and details how your expertise will be an advantage in your competitive industry. The executive summary should be between one and four pages and should be written in plain language, or without too much clothing industry jargon, so that anyone can understand it.