ผลลัพธ์การค้นหา "Cosmetic"   180 รายการ

Cosmetics are products people use to cleanse or change the look of the face or body.

Cosmetic products include: Skin creams Lotions Perfumes Lipsticks Fingernail polishes Eye and face make-up products Permanent waves Hair dyes Toothpastes Deodorants Unlike drugs, which are used to treat or prevent disease in the body, cosmetics do not change or affect the body's structure or functions.

This answer is based on source information from the National Women's Health Information Center.

Cosmetics are products people use to cleanse or change the look of the face or body.

Cosmetic products include: Skin creams Lotions Perfumes Lipsticks Fingernail polishes Eye and face make-up products Permanent waves Hair dyes Toothpastes Deodorants

Unlike drugs, which are used to treat or prevent disease in the body, cosmetics do not change or affect the body's structure or functions.

This answer is based on source information from the National Women's Health Information Center.



